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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hello! My name is Penelope Mae Parker, but I go by Nellie. I am 9 years old. I live on a farm out in the countryside of Michigan with my parents, horse, chickens, goat, dog, and cat. I love the all colors of the rainbow, but my favorites are blue, green, and yellow. My favorite foods are raspberry iced tea, pizza, and reese cups. In my spare time I love to play soccer, draw, read, splash in rain puddles, and cuddle with Praline (my cat). I hope you enjoy my blog!
Here's a picture of me:


  1. Nice to meet you, Nellie! Welcome to the bloggy world! :-)

    I think you'd have a lot in common with two of my sisters: Evelyn loves horses, and Charissa loves soccer. They're at camp right now, but I'm sure they'll want to "meet" you (in the online sense) when they get back.

    Bree from The Green Girls

  2. We love your blog, Nellie! You look so nice and it sounds like you live in a wonderful part of the country. Lucie wants to start taking riding lessons since we live close to a ranch with some horses. We hope you'll post pics of your animals and the countryside!


    Lucie and Juliette

  3. you are one of the cutest dollies ever!
    -Autumn =)

  4. Welcome to the blogging world .. you will have such fun sharing your life with all us out here in blogging land ..

    Cannot wait to hear more about your life on the ranch and your animals .. how fun for you .. it will be fun getting to know you more ..


  5. Salut, Penelope! I'm looking forward to hearing more from and about you!

  6. Hi, Nellie! I live for reese's cups! It's my favorite candy. My cousin Mac lives on a farm (though she prefers the term 'ranch'). Welcome to the blog world!


  7. Thanks everyone! I will be sure to take pictures of all my furry friends :)

  8. Hi Nellie! I'm Lucy... nice to meet you! You've very pretty. =) And I've always liked the idea of living on a farm because I love animals.

  9. Welcome to the Blogger World. =)
